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The whole shoot in a sentence

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Sentence count:16Posted:2024-05-13Updated:2024-05-13
Similar words: trouble-shoottrouble shoottroubleshoottroubleshootertrouble-shootertroubleshootingtrouble shootingon the whole
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1 The whole shooting match is being computerised, which should significantly reduce delays.
2 They bought the house, the land, the stables the whole shooting match.
3 The whole shooting match is being computerized, which should significantly reduce delays.
4 He decided to sell the whole shooting match - his house, furniture, and car.
5 I sold my house, car, furniture — indeed the whole shooting match.
6 Why not rerun the whole shooting match in every state that was too close to call?
7 Great Britain scholar Parkin thought that university researches the whole shoot except research itself.
8 The whole shoot was posted online before it even came out in the theaters.
9 But,[] the whole shoot seems not to be that simple.
10 The significance of human surmount that is the whole shoot of human self.
11 "It was the most nerve-racking experience of the whole shoot," says Sartore.
12 But, recent days, Google not only deny the whole shoot strongly, but say that the Google model based on Android platform will be released this year.
13 We're having a big church wedding with bridesmaids, a pageboy - the whole shooting match.
14 E commerce is that enterprise get together internet and information technologies to apply to manage in the whole shoot.
15 Not only fashion photography lighting effects or model posture, But is involves popularly to the fashion having the whole shoot.
16 You need take a rest, and I hope to fully understand the whole shoot soon.
More similar words: trouble-shoottrouble shoottroubleshoottroubleshootertrouble-shootertroubleshootingtrouble shootingon the wholethe whole waygo the whole hogreshootshoot the workswhole shebangwhole-wheatshow the white feathershootwhole wheat flourwhole wheat breadshoot-outshootershoot outshoot upoffshootshoot foroutshootshoot offshoot atshootoutshootingshoot down
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